Increase your visibility By having a personal brand at work, you are aiming to be known for various (ideally positive!) attributes such as being a good worker, being super accurate or always getting along well with site staff Part of […]...
“Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action” – Tim Ferriss When I first saw the quote from Tim Ferriss “Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action”, it seemed […]...
To celebrate today, not only did I buy myself flowers, I also have chosen and pondered three quotes from notable women: quotes about perfection, decision-making and laughter and I feel these three are relevant to the Clinical Research Associate (CRA) […]...
When I finished up at the first CRAnecdotes event where I was one of two guest speakers, I was still buzzing from the energy of connecting with all the wonderful clinical professionals On top of that, the Q&A session was filled with […]...
Does a CRA need only hard skills The job of a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) is sold as being a scientific role In fact you need a life-sciences degree to even get a foot in the door And while that […]...